Rising Sun Chinese Seafood Restaurant is one of my uncle's favourites. It's not much to look at, but it's never been featured on the NSW Health Authority's name and shame file (yet). Most importantly, the food is great, traditional Cantonese, it's efficient and crowded and everyone seems to enjoy themselves.
And it has those teapots that are seen around Sydney's Chinese restaurants, with the address of some place on the Hume Highway in Yagoona... I can report that it is an advertisement for some furniture place. What an anti-climax!
To celebrate uncle and aunt's return from HK, we had Peking duck and crab. The sharks' fin soup is a specialty here, and it's popular because it's relatively cheap (a couple of dollars per bowl?). I'm not usually a crab eater (occasion allergies), so I stuck with the vermicelli, which was soft, rich and hinted slightly of crab.
Overall, it was a dependably good meal. Rising Sun faces competition from Yummy Seafood Restaurant, which is directly across the road. I prefer Yummy's atmosphere (cleaner, more spacious), but food-wise, they are pretty similar. Both are worth trying. Is that being too wishy-washy?

Rising Sun Chinese Seafood Restaurant is on King Georges Rd, Beverly Hills (corner of Stoney Creek Rd)