Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Oh, Fig!

In terms of complexity, this is dessert is pretty simple, really. But when has this blog been about making things that are difficult?  Never!

Did you ever take Sewing at school? Do they even teach that anymore? Well, I remember back in my day, when we had to make a 4-gore skirt, or a pair of trousers (in gabardine!) or a t-shirt (in stretch fabric!), and we would spend hours poring over the pattern books at the local fabric store (do they even have pattern books anymore?). I would always make sure that the pattern I chose had ‘Easy/Facile’ printed on it because there was no way I could handle anything that wasn’t Facile. 

My rudimentary sewing skills meant that my patterns were always from Butterick or Simplicity – no fancy schmancy Vogue patterns for me, no siree! Of course, there was no guarantee that I wouldn’t sew my own finger to the trousers I was attempting to stitch together, but there was definitely less risk with a Butterick pattern. No matter that everything I made had to be taken apart and sewn back together again (properly) by my mother, who was a trained dressmaker – what a disappointment I turned out to be to her...

Anyway, here is a trรจs facile fig dessert that would also be perfect for breakfast, just substitute the biscotti for granola or muesli.  Hope you give it a go and enjoy (which is more than can be said for my gabardine trousers).

Layered Figs
serves 1

2 slices biscotti, roughly crushed
3 tblsp Greek yoghurt
3 tblsp honey
1 or 2 ripe figs, sliced

1.  Place some of the crushed biscotti in the bottom of a glass.
2. Top with a spoonful of yoghurt
3. Drizzle some honey on the yoghurt
4. Top with a couple of slices of fig
5. Repeat the tiers, finishing with a layer of fig.
6. Serve
Fresh figs - they do not ripen once picked, so get good ones to start with.

A couple of pretty layers, and it's done.


  1. I am happy to eat figs in any form, simple or complicated! Plus this is the best way to let their flavor shine!

  2. LOL! I did sewing at school and needed the tres facile patterns as well!

    Your dessert look delicious! YUMMY!

  3. That looks beautiful! And perfect for Valentines Day tomorrow too! :D I was hopeless at sewing-still am :P

  4. Great and simple recipe with fresh fig...I love the various textures in one spoonful...awesome presentation Bel.

  5. I don't eat lots of desserts, but if I do crave for some sweet treats, then mostly the simple one. This is perfect for me.

  6. This is the definition of summer - figs, yogurt and biscotti! Perfection.

  7. Sometimes the simplest things are the best. I wish I had seen this last night as I would have loved this for my breakfast today!

  8. The figs have been amazing this year haven't they? Whether served straight off the tree or "tarted" up as you have, a beautiful dessert! :D

  9. these sound absolutely irresistible

  10. What a gorgeously healthy little pot of gold!

