Friday, March 12, 2010

Adriano Zumbo V8 cake - one is not enough

I mentioned previously that I was disappointed to miss out on Adriano Zumbo's "V8" cake. I am now welcoming to the site car enthusiasts searching for 'V8 supercars', or health nuts after 'V8 vegetable juice recipes'.  Hello to you if you are one of these mis-directed souls...

Anyway, to make up for the prior miss, here are TWO V8s (does that make them a V16?).  Because the other half came home with one, which he enjoyed so much he went and bought another one the next day.

The 'V' stands for Vanilla, and there are 8 layers of vanilla-flavoured goodness in this cake, including custard (creme patissier) and some other unidentified though delicious tiers.  You'd have to like vanilla to enjoy this one, and I do on both counts.

By the way, the second of these cakes is for Conor of Hold the Beef - the poor dear is over in Perth and does not have ready access to Zumbo delights. If you would like a cake dedicated to you, please drop me a line.  Vroom, vroom!

Update: July 2010 - The MasterChef aftermath

Yes, the now infamous V8 cake was featured in the MasterChef Australia 2010 finals. 
The hapless (lucky?) contestants were tasked with reproducing the 8 layers of vanilla in a spectacular, sweaty and teary contest.
The cake that Adriano Zumbo brought to the episode was a larger version of the V8 cake shown here.  And it had a more glossy vanilla glaze, topped with a tempered white chocolate flower.  The other layers are the same, though.

This smaller version of the cake was available at the Zumbo Patisserie in March 2010 (part of the summer range), where it was $8.50 per unit. There have been reports that a new version of V8 will be available for $150.  Let's hope it's a bit bigger than this one.


  1. Phwoar, look at all those delicious layers! Must visit this place ASAP.

  2. Yay!!! I love it! Thank you! :D :D

    And I just happen to love vanilla, so you've done well. Mmmmmmmmmm vicarious eating. I can imagine it zooming into your mouth, hehe.

  3. That looks so delish! I can't wait to go and try everything for myself but my sister has cancelled our planned outings twice on me so far. Hmmm, might try again for next week :)

  4. I have only had one Zumbo cake and it was great. I will really need to head over there again.

  5. OMG. Look greatttt. I need to make an effort to visit the place when I fly up to Sydney.

  6. I think Tim would love this one..will have to make a trip there for him..

  7. I don't really like Vanilla so I wasn't a huge fan of this.
    I'm glad I tried it though.
    I love the idea behind it, but I think I would have preferred it if it was any flavour except vanilla.

    hahah pretty silly of me eating something vanilla based when I don't like it, but oh well.

  8. It's been so long since I had a Zumbo cake. Thanks for bringing them into our lounge rooms Bel! :D

  9. Belle, I'm salivating over your pictures. Time for another Zumbo visit!

  10. Can you please Vroom one over to me? I so miss Zumbo.

  11. WHY!!!!!???!!!! oh day I will eat you!! once again a fantasti name to an awesome looking dessert!!

  12. I hope I have time to rush down to Rozelle for this one, I love vanilla, and to imagine an 8 layer vanilla...slice? Oh yeah!

  13. Aww how sweet that you dedicated the cake to Conor. eheh. I like the look of the V8. 8 layers of vanilla goodness. I bet Margaret Fulton loved every bite of her bday cake.

  14. I am loving the first action shot! This sounds like a cake that made Zumbo, zumbo - hehe... I feel like going up the road to buy one.

  15. Wow very funky cake! Wonder how it tasted...

  16. Yum! 8 layers of vanilla sounds like heaven!

  17. Looks lovely. Could sink my teeth into one of those....and forget any troubles!

  18. love the first picture! V8... such a great name with 8 layers of goodness :)

  19. hi bell so nice and it must be a mess to eat it but who cares !!
    just fyi the right spelling is crème pĂ¢tissière !! Cheers from Pierre the french foodie in Paris

  20. Oh my .... what a cake. I am hoping to travel to Sydney in June and sample some delights of my own. I'm also doing a class with Adriano here in Brisbane next month. I can't wait!

  21. I need me some Zumbos ASAP! 8 layers of vanilla...danng!

  22. Oh so jealous! Are they still selling at the store? I really wanted to get it when it was on offer but I had some things on that weekend.. :(

    It looks scrumptious!

  23. I believe they are cooking it in Masterchef tonight!!! Should be interesting! Chris

  24. this is the wrong cake, i have watched the show and he is not bringing this cake. it is quite big and has a very big white flower type thing on top.

